Victor Martinelli

Managing Director
[email protected]
(212) 887-1263

Victor Martinelli, Managing Director, joined Incline in September 2015 and is based in the firm’s New York office. He is responsible for evaluating, analyzing and monitoring investments made by the firm. He also supports Recruiting efforts. 

Previously, Victor worked as an Associate in Incline’s Pittsburgh office. He began his career in the Investment Banking Division at Barclays.

Victor graduated from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University with a B.S. in Business Administration – Concentration in Finance.

Learn more about Victor


Victor enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and daughters, often while golfing, boating or fishing with family and friends. He also loves sports and is a passionate supporter of his hometown teams in the Steel City.

  • Family
  • Hustle
  • Teamwork

“Most people think your heart is in your chest – Victor’s is on his sleeve.”

– Jack Glover
Managing Partner